My Quote of the week

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Do you think that you have evolved as a person, say from ten years ago? or as little as three years ago?

What has changed in your life that has altered the way you think, look at life, yourself, your partner and so on. Are you the same person or have you evolved?
Often it takes a life altering ordeal to change our thinking and actions. Our perspective now has been altered, we can see differently and feel differently about life and what we have endured. Whether negatively or positively the perspective is now different to the previous.

The bush fire victims of Victoria this year have a different perspective on life now as to say from six months ago. These people will now be shaped by their circumstances and emotions whether for the negative or for the positive.
Relationships will be held dearer, material things don't hold as much importance as life itself. Fear is a reality and love a necessity for the future of their sustenance to proceed forward and to succeed in this life. Pride and dependencies which existed before will now either be weakened or strengthened by the circumstances surrounding them.
We are all shaped by the events in our lives and the environments we live in or work in. By the very friends we associate with or by the very things we see around us, smell, taste and touch around us. It all has an effect on who we become.

We need to be shaped and fashioned as steel is in the fires of life and come out of these refined and useful tools in the hands of family, friends and society.
You can allow every decision you make today alter and shape the person you are for the better whether its only momentary or life lasting, you still can choose to renew yourself!


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