My Quote of the week

Monday, September 28, 2009

Floriade September 2009

The delicate flower majestic in glory sways under the sun, compelling in its glory man to watch. A beacon of beauty in its collective mosaic tremendous colours of infinite palette displayed in splendour, allure to the eye of man reminiscent in shadow of unseen heaven. Pales in the eve, the dusk falls upon perfection. The petals draw close for the day ends and night blankets the quaint breakable petalous. Sweet scented pearls of aroma fill the air and romance nature as night falls gently upon the world. Sleep tight precious flower.....sleep tight.


To Be A Giver

Generosity is humanly within everyone's capability.
"To give is far better a reward than to receive, for to give is sacrificial, depleting and denying self, but it also grows us as human beings"
What is pleasure in giving, what is it to give selflessly, to bestow upon another without reason or question? I don't know what it is! It just is to me. To not give is foreign, selfishness is not godly but devilish. To be self centred bears no reward but to put others first and to be the focus of your attention brings pleasure to the heart of a man. Maybe this attribute of mankind has been destroyed over centuries with famine and wars and death for lands along with the selfish pursuit of great wealth, but the impervious quest of man is to share his joy and prosperity with others and to give out of his abundance.
The Bible says; "the Father in Heaven is the giver of every good gift" I'd like to think that I am rather like him, to willingly contribute to another without expectation of something in return brings endless warmth and satisfaction to who I am. To see the expressions of unbelief or relief and the manifestations of joy in the glow of the revelation that a gift is unwarranted and given out of selflessness to bless and to be enjoyed, is reward enough for me.
To watch another persons adoration of a gift is gratuitous, simplistic and adds new dimension to a life which sometimes was not existent prior.
Indulgences of the heart! to lavish a selfless act spontaneously upon another brings the purest exhilaration and pleasure to both the giver and the recipient. A heart overtaken with unanticipated gratitude is pure delight to witness, to the benefactor delighting in the gift is a given and contemplation of the giver is not always present, but for the giver the reward lays in the sharing of what one has and to see the recipients final acceptance. The extension of self, the growth of godliness what else can be the reason to cast your treasures to another but simply to enhance and enrich someone else's life. To restore faith in human kindness and decency to prefer another and to humbly display a thought towards anyone other than self is to enrich and powerfully exhort without malice,without selfish ambition and or jealousy. You give not out of your abundance but willingly from the heart, its an attitude. To give freely out of your abundance or lack is not a measured choice but rather a willing act.
"Generosity is not a matter of wealth but simply an unbiased, impartial and sincere expression of the heart"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Window of The Soul.

To Photograph the world and see it through a lens is the heart of the photographer. What is seen through the eye shows us into the very soul of the person. The Bible says that the "eye is the window to the soul" paraphrased or "what is in the heart of a man" - is his hidden treasure! Whether good or bad....What you take in through the eye is what is watched by your heart. If you desire the colours and textures with light and shade, height and dimension along with the scale and shape of this colossal world and it's rare beauty, then realise it's what your heart draws out from the eye and what your eye is drawn towards from your heart. To capture your heart with a lens is extraordinary and to mimic life with an extension of your soul is to delight many in wonders of this abstract planet. Displaying the heart through this transcendent art is a remarkable quest of imagery. Imagery of the soul.....

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Tears - an expression of the heart....
Read more.....


100 Days til Christmas!

Today I was informed that its is only 100 days till Christmas. This festive season fly's around ever so fast and every year seemingly time surges forward ever so quick defying the whole conceptualisation of time. Where is the constant of the residual full quartets of season that we once depend upon so aptly throughout history which the celestial bodies bore witness to along with the meridian since when I could remember. Now the borders of the equinoctial points are all but devoured and blurred by commerce, retail and the effigy of the red suit. Spinning out of control and spiraling into another religious conquest the season of hope has left its emphasis in the quaint memorial writings of the largely and infinitely produced Christmas card. The approached season reminds me of a freight train, tonnes of raw steel hurtling towards us on an approach of inevitability. On the distant horizon we look out for its silhouette and wait patiently for the sum of its arrival. Heavy laden and pounding the tracks it noise ferociously acute resounds the distant timbers whilst wildlife scurry and the train continues to bear down, full throttle. Never missing a beat we hear it in the distance and see its plumes of diesel. The anticipation of its arrival now enkindle's all and the children frenzied with merriment. Closer the approach the day is all but here and the noise deafening, the emergence of the enormous locomotive is mesmerising and powerful.
Where did the time go in those one hundred days, with the hum drum routine of finalising our in trays, booking in attendance the end of year parties, the stresses of the season, accommodating family and menu planning. With all the retail skulduggery and the onslaught of the masses invading our personal space whilst the constant checking off, of the proverbial list, its all so imminent. The year has diminished into another incomplete agenda full of the things we never achieved or the resolutions we never adhered too for no longer than a day. Or what happened to the many we invited for a meal which never eventuated and those we never once called! after bumping into them on the street and giving them an invite we knew that we would never keep. Throughout the months gone by we again deferred that holiday to the relatives through busyness, have many unfinished books piled next to the bedside and incomplete projects around the house. Why, our lives have changed and the hectic pace of today's New World causes us hurried anticipations of an illustrious lifestyle, a pipe dream of materialism and the promise of a simple life with every modern convenience and electronic devise that should break the back of our daily workload which has somehow eventuated into an ever increasingly more demanding life, squeezing more and more into its already strained day.
The simplicities of running your life in the daylight hours and relaxing over good conversation with a home cooked meal, loved ones by your side whilst regaling tales and antidotes of the days happenings have surpassed us by. We somehow now have slipped into a parallel universe where we work 24/7 and two jobs as the microwave cooks for us whilst the television or Internet raises our children.
The train is now upon us passing us by at a phenomenal speed with wind gusts and debris sailing about us as our eyes are tightly squeezed shut to protect us from the dust that has eclipsed our view. The train races off into oblivion, if we'd blink we would miss it. The distant rumble of the engine still is heard along with the faint clickety-clack of the chorused tracks. Out of sight now its over in a moment the enormous build up and ruckus of the season has completed its crescendo, all is still, all is silent, now realised another year is over....

By the way, if I forget....Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


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The cool liquid travels through open space and pummels the earth delicately with quaint drops of fruitful blessing. The earth opens itself for it hungers the fertile rains to replenish it's unquenched thirst. Splatters of rain pool and puddle whilst droplets of the precious rare liquid roll down dry limbs and blossoms focus their attention upward to have their petals splendid by the wash. Dust from the dry earth dissipate into small valleys and gather nectar for the thirsty. Life blooms in the open sanctuary's of organic phenomenon. Mysterious is rain and its lavished affair with our planet, its beauty succumbs to our senses and we are displayed as benevolent custodians of the cherished waters. Seductive formations of distant cloud gather and the fragrance of the fresh vapour when mixed with dry hot earth regale our senses with an earthy distilled scent. The first drop falls, cool and quiet then momentum gathers and soon colours the landscape in smooth rainy dew.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Depression is not just a word but a hard's not a weakness but a demoralisation!

I was diagnosed with clinical depression going on three years ago now and have survived this debilitating cancer of the mind. Ongoing with more diamond days than stone I still suffer with spasmodic seclusion's and despondent episodes. I now frequent happy places and venture outside myself and into other worlds and cope with the burlesque society we dwell in. Journaling and writing has helped me overcome the adage once bitten twice shy, and again I have re-entered the world of the living. At times I am overrun with thoughts of the past, triggers which enforce previous contemplations, but no longer driven by circumstantial disharmony's. I have lived with this philosophy for many years that "a problem is a matter proposed for solution" I have found and chosen the solution rather than being defeated by the cause. Often if we cannot fix the problem then the resolve is to eradicate the cause.....self! My solution is God's grace and mercy who at will brings comfort to the needy and resolve to the lame.

Here is an excerpt from a daily journal I write, an infrequent gloomy day of a fragile mind.
The Mirror.
I see a shadow of a man that used to reflect strength, humor and a double portion of joy. Muscular physic, tanned, smooth skinned and a full head of hair. Now an obese blemished face with partial hair and failing sight. His teeth now yellowing and his eyes slightly discoloured. Not the pupil nor iris but something further beneath them. As though this man has traveled far through terrain which has beaten him. Worn and flailing.
His disposition no longer ready to collide head on with anything that sets his path, but rather a man who would now simply turn back or take the long way round if only he could muster the strength. The light is still there, not as bright and only a small spark still existent. His stare is reminiscent, alert for now but no longer sharp and always searching, sadly though, only the negative resides through blindness where once existed a philosophy the glass was always half full. The insurgence of a life askew, misshaped and unmanaged, forever now war fatigued and scarred from endless battle, has all but depleted this mans image. No longer resembling his youth or virility and never being able to commit to a glance of his reflection nor ever examining his meager appearance, he turns in resignation of his allotted disposition and skulks away into another despondent episode of daily life...... only to reappear once again before his disturbing mirror image the very next day, and so goes on this cycle of laborious lament, day after day after day....

Today is a great day, rain from the heavens blessing the fertile ground producing, LIFE!

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