My Quote of the week

Friday, November 27, 2009

Seething Droplets!

The droplets seethe as they plummet, leaving behind the fullness of their weight from the heavenly embodiments of water. Pools floating in cotton apparel fueled by gusts and gathered collectively as vapour. Exodus on the horizons of grey mirth, rolling in with thunderous atmosphere. Enlightening displays of power and static, strikes of power blaze towards earth. Mesmeric plumes of ancient tempests blow fiercely towards terra firma, wild beasts scatter, clanging doors slam shut in the quickened breezes as disorientation hits man. Cluttered exits and broken down machines line the black lengths of darkened highways, all the whilst nature takes its course. Nonchalant the wave of reckless hydrogenated cloud bursts forth over city and plain releasing its brunt to the parched landscape. Tossed umbrella, soaking sheets of water sweep across roads carrying the children home. Suddenly light breaks through as the sky reappears, last minute drops evacuate the heavens...all is hushed torrents continue down drains and gutters. Stepped into puddles resound and drenched clinging fabrics are worn on the lengthy journey home. Sunlight and rays brighter than ever reflect the droplets everywhere and catch eyes startling their gaze. Flash as the recent wash covered windows reflect blazing sun images on passing by traffic. Streets swish as wheels roll through the residue, but lastly heat restores peace to chaos as the last droplets resume their position high above earth, vacuumed up and nestle back into pools adrift, floating!


  1. very creative,. I got caught in a rain storm without an umbrella and didn't even get wet. You are full of words, Rinaldo! They just spill out and onto the gifted!


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